Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008

Ebay Classified Ad Secrets - Learn How to Drive a Swarm of Hungry Customers to Your Website

Here is a little-known traffic generation tool that not many Internet marketers know of (and even of those who know about it, only a small percentage are using it right): Ebay classified ads. For a small fee every month, there is the potential to drive hundreds or even thousands of visitors every month to your website. You can even use it to make affiliate sales!

Here is the dead easy two-step process on creating profits from Ebay classified ads:

1. Find A Product To Promote

You can either promote your own product or go with the easiest option: promote an affiliate product! Simply pick a popular, hot-selling product on Clickbank and you're all set to go. Advanced tip: Build your own mailing list by including your opt-in form generated from Aweber or Get Response in your classified ad!

2. Write Your Ad

The two most important components of your ad are your title and the picture you use. You want to include an outrageous promise or benefit in your title to get the click-throughs to your ad (make sure that the product you are promoting lives up to it though!). Some smart sellers also use sexy photos as their auction pictures to generate curiosity and hence the click-throughs. As for the actual body copy of the ad itself, keep it short and provide a link to your affiliate product or your main website. Your main goal is to get visitors to click on your ad, and then be motivated enough to click through to your affiliate link or your website.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:
"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"
Head over to to get your FREE copy now!
Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ visitors per month at no cost! =>
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Just Because You Have a Website Doesn't Mean People Will See It!

I couldn't count how many times people think that just because they have a website that people will automatically find it. No, it's not because I'm dumb and can't count that high, it is just a ton of people! So lets say that you spent $2,000 to develop a new basic website for your company - you write the check, the site is developed and you now have a new website! You sit and wait anxiously, just waiting for the first person to stumble upon your website. Hours pass, soon days and even months with not a single visitor besides yourself and others you told directly. Is your website broken? No, it is just that the internet has grown to be so competitive that it is very rare that people will find your website organically through search engines.

Build it and they will come

This old adage couldn't be further from the truth when it comes to websites. Build it and people WILL NOT come unless you take the right steps to properly promote your website! When I say promote, you think money; and no, you CAN successfully promote your site with no money. You can put down your checkbook already.

Promoting a website has more forms than the Wonder Twins. Some methods will require some money, particularly when you start up a traditional online advertising campaign. But, when money is not of the essence, other methods of promotion are in order.

Guerrilla Marketing

I had previously wrote an article about Guerrilla Marketing and some simple methods you can use to promote just about anything. This article will target websites specifically.

Promote on Business cards and stationary: If you don't have business cards, stop reading, and go make some business cards! Networking is HUGE and nothing is more effective than a good traditional business card that states what you do, contact information and your website! When you meet somebody, you have no clue who THEY know, or how they could possibly benefit your companies' efforts. Often times when you pass out your business card you will find whoever you gave it to say "I could use this *service/product*", "My good friend could use this *product/service*", "My cousin does *this*, I'm sure he could help". Basically, the potential is limitless! With your company website prominently listed on your card, that individual can easily, quickly and effectively share it with others. In the end, that 10 cent card could help you more than you could imagine!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the most effective way to advertise on the web and the best part is that this advertising is FREE! Yes, FREE - SEO will generate 24/7 exposure on the web, for a very long time. Search Engine Optimization is based upon many different factors that determine your ranking (Position in the results of certain keywords) in major search engines. Score a quality keyword that people search often and you will find more traffic than you could shake a stick at. All kidding aside, proper and effective SEO efforts will be best achieved by using a qualified SEO firm such as Revived Media. SEO work can be relatively cheap or it can be brutally expensive, it will all depend on how extensive you want your SEO efforts and what firm you go through.

Blogs Blogs Blogs: Blogs, I don't know where to start! The power of blogs is incredible and they are simple enough that any Joe Schmoe with hardly any computer experience can use! So, how can blogs help you promote your business? Simple! Create a company blog and within this blog you will want to continually write about your business such as company news, articles related to your industry, special offers, new products, services, you name it! Just write! By writing in your blog often, more pages and content will be created surrounding your company. The more pages and content, the more people will stumble upon them, the more visitors means more people to comment and use your articles, the more articles people use, the more backlinks your website will have, the more backlinks means better search engine rankings, better search engine rankings will mean more traffic to your website and more traffic to your website means more revenue! This sounds easy and extremely blatantly put, but to have a blog requires a lot of time and dedication, not a checkbook!

Hey check out my website: Viral marketing is still an extremely effective marketing tactic, particularly in certain industries. Anybody who may have the slightest bit of interest in your company needs to know your website address! So tell them! Tell everybody to go to your website! Uncle, Grandma, your son's Dad? Why not! It can't hurt and only takes a second, you never know when your next largest client is standing right next to you!

Signatures: If you have gotten thus far, you likely spend a bit of time on the computer, and during that time you may send a lot of e-mails or post on forums or blogs. Each one of those communication mediums has signatures! It is never a bad idea to put your website in those signatures, you will be surprised by how many people will actually click them! Blog comments and forums also gives you very valuable backlinks which assists in your search engine rankings!

So there you have it, several simple and effective methods to promote your site with no cash! But, when you want to see the best results and don't mind spending some money, quality online marketing firms can help!
Article Source:

Website Promotion - Why Essential For Online Businesses?

Internet is the most utile tool for marketing and business. At the moment, online businesses are esteemed as the finest mode to earn scores of profits. Considering the ample possibilities of growth from this medium, there is a cutthroat competition to make a place in the web-world.

Currently, there are millions of sites on Internet therefore just owning a website in such a crowd is not sufficient. To seize the maximal exposure and attention, you need to rank your site to the very top of any search engine. In short, you need Web Promotion.

"Web Promotions play the most prominent role in running the global online businesses".

Website Promotion: Route to Profit!

Website promotion / web marketing is not just ranking your website to the top positions, it is all about dragging maximum visitors to your site and earning the most sought after feedback from them. As many clicks your websites receive, that much you are entitled to have scopes of profit. Online business community rate their success, quality and even figure strategies on the quantity of the earned traffic. Smartly promoted websites receive clicks from target audiences and have the maximum prospects of making actual business. Well, promoting one's site requires loads of skills and that is why, SEO companies are highly demanded.

SEO: Key to Success Online

SEO stands for search engine optimization, meant to optimize websites at major search engines. Quality SEO directly enhances the rate of online business. SEO companies prepare the most suitable Content, Keywords and Data so that visitor gets all the information at a very first glance. It is pretty tough to hold the visitors' attentions therefore SEO companies have to imbed all the indispensable constituents to promote the sites.

They bring together target audience, customers and visitors who are really seeking products/services/offerings around your business. Hence, SEO can be tagged as the root for sales and Internet marketing.

With the boom in online business, several web promotion companies are mushrooming all round the world. Finding the most suitable web promotion company is as tough as finding a pin in the hay. When you are searching for an SEO company, be very particular, think, analyze and then decide which company can actually accomplish your criteria.

India: Best Place to Get Web Promotion!

India is undisputedly the no.1 name for web promotion services. Most of the credible web promotion companies in the world originate from India. Over the years, Indian companies have ascertained the highest trust level with their quality work and giving in desirable results to the clients. The maximum companies in the online business world are outsourcing web promotion services to India.

Why Choose Only India?

Indian web promotion companies charge relatively lower rates than other companies in the world.
Indian web services, though being low costing, are very efficient and yield required results.
India has gigantic manpower resources in terms of trained professionals, software and programming masters.
Analyzing the records, Indian companies have performed excellently at market analysis and Internet marketing.
Indian web services are reckoned for their incessant up gradation in terms of QUALITY and that is what makes global clients rush to India for web promotions.

Modern online businesses require advanced versions of web promotions / web marketing. Few of the most efficient and leading web promotion companies in India are and .
Article Source:

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008

How to Start a Clothing Store

Are you fashion forward?
Do you love working with the public?
Then it might just be time for you to marry your fashion sense and your business sense with a retail clothing business.
We'll presume that your desire to open an apparel store isn't because you want to prove to your ex that you're actually hip and happening, or that you're so confident of your style that you need to share that good taste with the community. We'll instead presume that you have an acute business sense, a sincere interest in the clothing business and more than a little cash in the bank.

Opening an apparel store is serious business. For some of you, it may mean giving up the safety of your corporate job with its steady income, paid holidays, vacations and the opportunity for advancement. All this, and guaranteed 12- to 14-hour days. "Running an apparel store is more than a full-time job," stresses Nancy Stanforth, professor of merchandising at Oklahoma State University. "Running an apparel store is something you do all day every day."

Always Room For MoreFortunately, there's always room for the right kind of apparel store. Although you might not guess it by the number of malls and outlet centers cropping up, we're mostly a nation of small, independent merchants. In fact, most retail stores, and that includes apparel stores, are small, both in size and in sales volume, compared to a Gap or Old Navy. The typical apparel store is a small operation, usually run by the owner alone or by a husband-and-wife team.
Here is a handy set of questions that will help you determine whether fashion is indeed your forte.

1. Is this a business in which you have experience? Maybe you've taken those merchandising classes; maybe you've watched your father, mother or grandparents run a business; maybe you spent a summer selling makeup over the counter at Macy's. In any case, your experience and business sense are as important as your interest in clothes.

2. Can you live with the inherent risk in the apparel business? This isn't meant to scare you; we're only trying to present a balanced picture. If you're serious about opening an apparel store, you need to know that, like the restaurant business, the apparel business is risky. You may pour your life savings into a business that goes bust within a year.
"Nothing is sure-fire, and there are risks attached to starting any kind of business," says Fred Derring, president and owner of D.L.S. Outfitters, a New York City-based apparel marketing and consulting company, "but you've really got to love the clothing business because you can make more money doing almost anything else. Even in the restaurant business--if you're successful--you can make more money in five years than you can in 15 years in the apparel business."

3. Do you believe strongly in the apparel industry? On a serious note, you really need to think about why you've decided to open an apparel store vs. a homeopathic pharmacy or an organic grocery store. Whatever your particular fashion passion, it has to be enough to carry you through the yearly holiday rushes as well as the slow summer lulls. It's like marriage: When times get tough, you need to remember why you took those vows in the first place.

4. Is your niche overcrowded or dominated by a few? It doesn't take a Ph.D. to see that the apparel industry is crowded. All you need to do is save all those catalogs stuffed in your mailbox or visit your local mall on the weekend. But there always seems to be room for more, particularly if you're offering consumers something they feel they're lacking.

5. Can you become a specialist? If you're opening an apparel store for the right reasons, you probably think you've got the corner on something someone else in your professional community doesn't. Maybe it's surf clothes; maybe it's chic plus-size fashions; maybe it's leather and jewelry imported from Turkey.
Specializing, or finding your niche in this business, is crucial to your success. And in many cases, all it takes is a little common sense. As Kira Danus, a buyer from D.L.S. Outfitters in New York City, says, "No apparel store should be stocking twill khaki shorts if there's a Gap within 10 miles."

6. Do you have a competitive advantage? In a word, this is called "marketing." For now, hear this collective quote culled from every apparel entrepreneur interviewed for this business guide: "Today the competition isn't two doors down the block; it's at the local mall. People can get everything we sell at their local mall, so we have to set ourselves apart other ways. Pay attention to the demographics in your area, to the location and available foot traffic, to television and movies and what people are wearing on the street."

"Department stores all look alike because merchandisers like Polo, Tommy Hilfiger and Nautica are all fighting for the same brand space," says Fred Derring, whose company helps retailers across the country market their stores. "And when everything begins to look alike, consumers can become disenchanted. In addition, people just don't have as much time to shop today, and when they do, they want to go into a store and be serviced properly. Forget service with a smile. If you can even find someone to help you in most department stores, you're lucky.

"Small stores are more focused on the community," Derring adds. "They know their customers better, they give terrific service, and they generally have a more interesting collection of clothes on their store floors that will add to making customers feel special. These are the kinds of features customers are looking for in a smaller, independent store."

Let's start with the hardest first. If you're going to open a women's apparel store, you already know that the tastes of the "fickle" female customer are hard to stereotype. Every expert we spoke with agreed that the very first thing a prospective women's apparel retailer must do is decide where the "market-vendor" gaps are. In other words, which customers in the store's trading area will you serve, and what apparel can you provide (and at what price) that can't be found easily elsewhere? Once you've determined this, you can buy accordingly.
"'What do I have that will entice a woman into my store?' That's the big question the women's apparel store owner needs to ask," says D.L.S. Outfitters' Kira Danus. Yes, we know that's easier said than done, and it really depends on where you're going to open your store, as Danus notes. "There's a huge difference in consumer mentality across the country, and I'd advise a store owner in Duluth much differently from one in Los Angeles."

The typical male customer is between 18 and 40 years of age, with a smaller percentage in their fifties. (We didn't even bother listing a female customer's age because, frankly, women of all ages like to shop.) The male consumer is often single and usually has money to spend--but typically still has to be brought in kicking and screaming by his girlfriend or wife to spend it on clothes. His job may not require a coat and tie, but unless he's working in the Silicon Valley with hipster entrepreneurial types, he still wants to look good.

As we've said, if given the choice, most men would rather throw a bridal shower than shop for a new sportcoat. The only good thing about the casual dress trend, however, is that because of the trend, men seem more willing to be dragged into a clothing store.

ChildrenCashing in on the baby boomers' baby boomlet of the 1980s and 1990s, the children's apparel market is estimated to account for $20 billion to $22 billion in sales every year and is considered among the fastest-growing segments of the overall retail market.

Even though little girls have been known to throw temper tantrums when they're forced to wear gingham jumpers to preschool, you're not really targeting kids here. You're aiming more for their parents--at least the parents of children up to age 10, those who still make the executive decision when it comes to their children's clothes.

Obviously, the more financially stable parents are, the more they'll be willing to spend on boutique clothing for their children--if they're into clothes themselves, that is. Just because parents have money doesn't mean they're spending it on Calvin Klein and Jessica McClintock for tots. They may well be shopping at Target and socking the rest away for a college education at an expensive Ivy League school.

It all goes back to doing your homework. If you're in an old-money, Mercedes or Volvo station wagon-driving area, you can bet those parents may not necessarily be shopping at Target or Sears, but they may be shopping the Gap sales. If you're in a more flashy nouveau riche area where mothers are driving Jaguars and wearing diamond tennis bracelets, or even one where the women spend $100 on their own designer jeans, that's a market for children's fashionable boutique clothing.

Stat FactThe bulk of children's clothing sales--up to 60 percent--comes from those cute matching outfits, like matching top-and-bottom coordinates. When it comes to colors, seasonal trends like animal prints come and go, but the consistent top sellers are still--no surprise here--light blue, pink and green

Yes, opening an apparel store will cost you, and Oklahoma State University merchandising professor Nancy Stanforth, who once owned a clothing store, recommends a bankroll of as much as $250,000. But before your heart stops, read on. You can do it for less.

"You may not have $250,000, but my advice is to not even think about opening a store until you've got the right financing," says Margie P., a successful Redmond, Washington, store owner who sells women's, men's and children's clothing.

Like several other apparel 'lifers' we interviewed for this guide, Margie, whose store has been around for 23 years, first opened her doors in 1976 with her eyes wide shut, so to speak. Eager to get out of the real estate business and 'spending my Sunday afternoons sitting in other people's homes,' she opened a clothing store in the same downtown building where her husband had a restaurant. Margie got a $30,000 loan and was off and running.
We know this fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants attitude--as well as the notion that $30K is enough to start a clothing store--goes against our principle of good business acumen, especially today.
Minimally most entrepreneurs interviewed for this business guide wouldn't dream of opening a store with less than $50,000. Stanforth recommends $150,000 to get a store up and running, while Debbie Allen, the owner of a Scottsdale, Arizona, women's clothing store and industry speaker, says you should start out with $200,000 for a 1,200- to 1,500-square-foot store--the average in this business.

The point is, you'll find many conflicting opinions when it comes to the amount of cash you should have to open an apparel store, but we won't get into any trouble by saying the more money you have, the better off you'll be. (Isn't that true in any business?) As Allen says, "The more undercapitalized you are, the longer it will take for you to turn a profit." Now that about says it all.

An Easy Rule
If reading numbers in columns makes you dizzy, we'll spell it out for you. "People get into trouble because they don't know how much their rent should be in ratio to the amount of sales their store is generating," says Dan Paul, an industry consultant with retail consulting firm, RMSA. "The fact is that rent should be kept between 5 and 6 percent of your total sales, so at the top end, you can figure that you'll need $18,000 a year for rent. That means in order to keep rent at 6 percent, your store will have to generate $300,000 in annual sales."

There's never a dull moment in the apparel business. When you're going to have time to read the trades and watch TV is anyone's guess--though not ours--because you'll practically live at your store, especially in the beginning.

"No one day seems to be exactly the same," says Meridian, Mississippi, store owner Robert L., who adds that he can't ever remember a dull moment in his apparel store. "Day to day, you'll be wearing many different hats, whether you're managing people, receiving merchandise or creating displays. One minute you're on the phone with a customer, and the next minute you're talking to a radio station about your advertising. Then you might have your nose in the books wondering why your expenses were so high last month."
Your Policy Position
One of the things that will help balance your daily juggling act will be to establish your store's operating policies, or the rules under which you decide to run your business. It's not until you actually start your own apparel store that you'll realize how many decisions you'll be making on a daily basis, and for that reason, you want to make sure you have a plan. Believe us; a plan will eliminate making last-minute reactionary decisions that could result in some costly mistakes, like maybe losing a valued employee. We suggest sitting down, writing up your store's operating policies and supplying copies to your employees. You may also wish to post some of these policies, such as those involving cash and credit card acceptance, for your customers to read.
A seemingly endless number of these "policy" questions will arise when you enter the apparel business, among them issues surrounding pricing, consignment, purchasing unsolicited products, credit, cash layaway, returns, special orders, damage, children in the store, credit cards, gift wrapping, gift registry and hours of operation.

We put hours of operation last for emphasis, because when your doors are open will be a big factor in your success. Most apparel stores that don't conform to a mall's shopping hours stay open a minimum of six days per week, usually Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Frequently, stores will stay open until 9 p.m. or later on certain, or even several, days of the week, typically Thursday and Friday. Flexible hours allow for lunchtime and evening shopping, and in this business, flexibility is your friend.
Choosing a Location
In choosing a community in which to open your store, you'll want to consider a number of location "whether" factors (this will serve as a review of our marketing chapter), including whether the community has a large enough population, whether its economy is stable enough for you to make money and whether the area's demographic characteristics are compatible with your target market.

Almost all apparel store lessors, or landlords, require a square foot rental from their lessees, usually paid on a monthly basis. Apparel store rent can run as low as $8 per square foot in certain parts of the country, and close to $40 per square foot in big malls or shopping centers in high-traffic areas or in higher-rent metropolitan areas, like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas. Landlords also sometimes ask for a percentage of the tenant's monthly gross sales--above a certain specified amount--on top of the minimum monthly rental.

In addition to paying flat rents and sales percentages, apparel store owners who decide to locate in a shopping center or mall may be asked to pay what's known as an add-on charge. This per-square-foot charge or small percentage of a store's gross sales covers advertising and promotion costs for the shopping area and upkeep of the common areas surrounding the businesses (parking, sidewalk, walkways, sitting areas, patios, restrooms).

Do all the following before you choose a location for your apparel store:
  1. Look at several locations before choosing your store site.
  2. Check into any local ordinances and zoning regulations that apply.
  3. Determine your store's parking needs.
  4. Decide whether the site is worth the rent.
  5. Define the selling point of your store's location.
  6. Determine whether the location is an area of potential growth.
  7. Define your store's space needs.

Hiring Employees
Your store needs will vary according to your store hours and customer traffic, but a good rule of thumb is one full-time and one part-time person for a 1,000-square-foot store.

When hiring sales staff, sales ability and personality come first. With both of those traits upfront, you can always train your salespeople to track inventory and handle apparel. Hopefully, with that combination, your salespeople will also be able to deal with the everyday apparel pressures of customer personalities and demands that require a thoughtful combination of tact,

persuasiveness and a sense of humor. You also want a person who is mature and honest, one who will not only help you move merchandise out the door but also one you trust to handle your cash and to keep careful and complete records.

"You obviously have to be particular about who you hire," says apparel entrepreneur Robert L., "because ultimately it's customer service that separates us from the mall stores."

There are lots of reasons why advertising is important for a business startup, but in the apparel business, it comes down to a couple of things. Not only do you want to convince potential customers once and for all that you've got more to offer than Banana Republic or Ann Taylor, you want to make sure you have a strong image, like Banana Republic or Ann Taylor. In short, you need to create the desire to come into your store instead of those of your more established apparel competitors. If your ideal customer never strolls past your store, you'll hope that he or she at least pays attention to the mail and mass media.

Try to look at advertising as not just another business expense but as a way of building your sales. Whatever media you decide will work best within your community, your advertising campaign should be well planned, distinctive and consistent with your store image. Advertising informs your customers about the merchandise you carry and your store's special events, services and sales. And it's also going to be all those things that Advertising 101 says it should be: simple, straightforward, informative and eye-catching.

You'll have to decide the most effective way to advertise your store by taking a good look at your business and at your potential customers. In doing so, you might ponder the following questions:

  • How is my store different from my competitors'? (e.g., he sells Levi's; I sell dress pants)
  • What quality merchandise do I sell? (e.g., he sells Levi's; I sell dress pants)
  • What kind of store image do I want to advertise? (e.g., trendy, tailored, casual, chic)
  • What customer services do I offer? (e.g., special-order clothing, free on-site tailoring, a children's corner)
  • Who are my customers? (e.g., Beverly Hills matrons, Manhattan models)
  • What are my customers' tastes? (e.g., trendy, tailored, casual, chic)
  • Why do they buy from me? (e.g., convenience, the only store in town that sells plus-size business suits).

By Laura Tiffany

Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

3 Extremely Easy Ways To Make Extra Money Online

There are several easy ways to make extra money, you just have to know where to look for these ideas. This article will highlights three steps to make money online for little to no cost as an initial investment.

You may have heard of the term "affiliate marketer" before. Well many people who are looking for easy ways to make extra money have never heard of this term before. It is very important to understand just how easy it can be to make online, even with no technical skills, no knowledge of how to design a website, and less than $30.

Successful companies that thrive off of online sales have done so because they have made it extremely easy for the average person to sell their products for them through simple tricks that no one really knows about.

It is true, that in order to make money online in the past, it was necessary to have your own website, and expertise in designing websites. But in today's world, large companies have realized that there is no benefit to them by making it difficult for people to buy and sell online. That is why it is so simple to find easy ways to make extra money online.

3 Steps for Easy Ways to Make Extra Money

1. Sign up as an affiliate - The first thing you need to do is sign up as an affiliate for a product or service you wish to promote. This may sound scary for newbies, but it is extremely easy. There are some major companies online that allow you to choose from thousands of products to promote. All you do is sign up for FREE, choose a product, click "create link" and then the system will spit out an affiliate link that you can use in your online marketing activities.
Once you have that link, every time someone clicks on that link and buys the product, you will earn money which will go directly into your affiliate account! All you have to do is learn ways to promote that link online. Some well known affiliate companies include ClickBank or Commission Junction. Check out the link at the bottom of this article for a step by step tutorial for marketing your link with Wealthy Affiliate.

2. Choose Your Marketing Method - Marketing online for cheap has never been so easy! You can choose from several different ways to market online. First you have to decide if you want to do it for free or to pay for it.
There are several easy and free ways to market your affiliate link online. These include article marketing, forum marketing, e-mail marketing, and several others. Check out the link below which provides a step by step process on some free marketing tricks.
If you are looking to pay for advertising you can do this easily as well. You can sign up to Google adwords and go through their tutorials and make money instantly once you have gone through their sign up process and set your daily budget.

3. Design a Webpage or Landing Page - As I discussed before, designing a webpage can be extremely easy! Companies today have made it very easy to make a webpage. Although you don't need a webpage to make money, it can certainly help you to make more money, once you know tricks on how to attract visitors.

Large hosting companies often provide free software that allows people with no computer skills to design a webpage in a matter of minutes. So if you sign up to a company like Wealthy Affiliate who provide hosting and web design software, you can have your own landing page or webpage with several affiliate links for people to click on in matter of minutes.

The important thing about designing a webpage is to have it optimized so that it is found by major search engines easily. There are several tutorials online which can teach you tricks for optimizing your webpage to increase your chances of getting several visitors.

Those are only 3 Easy ways to make extra money. Once you complete those three easy steps, the trick is to get people to click on your links or visit your webpage or landing page. The more people you get to click through you the more money you will make. It is really that simple.

For more information on attracting people to your links using Wealthy Affiliate click the link below.
Design a money making campaign in 3 hours Step by Step Guide!
Article Source:

Why People Fail in Affiliate Marketing

Even though Affiliate marketing looks easy to do, in reality it is a little trickier than people realize and many of affiliates fail. There are certain reasons to their failure and one of them is lack of focus and dedication to work to make profits. Affiliate marketing is business like any other. It has demands and price you should be willing to pay if you want to succeed...

Another common reason for failure in Affiliate marketing is having the lack of required knowledge about promoting. Narrow, highly targeted traffic to your website will determine our success in the Affiliate. Substantial click through and hopeful sales conversion can be achieved if on the targeted traffic. Newcomers usually are not aware of the amount of work they should invest in to drive this traffic to their websites.

Having your own website with a reliable internet connection provider is other common reason to fail in this business. You could not be able to do your own website promotions and you most likely will not be able to capture the email addresses of your visitors too. By promoting your sponsor's business and not building your prospects list will decrease your sales.

If you are serious about building online business you must have to have the tools big guys use and one of them is professional Autoresponder. I'm not going to promote any of the existing systems but there are few that are most reputable and provide professional service at a reasonable price that you should willing to pay.

Knowing How to, Where and When should you advertise will prevent direct marketing which is another fatal mistake in the industry. As mentioned above, advertising must be targeted to specific market or group of people, who share the same interest and will not be placed in unrelated publications and websites.

The Main reason to fail is Selling, not Pre-Selling: Newbie affiliates do make this mistake and try to sell their sponsor's products instead of getting the click through. When you make efforts to sell to your visitors and then send them through to your sponsor's sales page they actually are being double sold and most likely will not be very prone to buy.

Your job as Affiliate is pre-sell to your visitors and if you are doing your job as it should be done in a way so that they will be ready for your sponsor's sales page and be prone to buy. Your sales and conversions totally depend on your ability to pre-sell.

Samuel A.Baron is an entrepreneur, weight loss and dieting expert, motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach.
For more information try new special report of Samuel A. Baron: "Golden Rules to Online Business Success" at

Get Paid to Read SMS Ads in Mobile - A New Money Making Concept in India

With 150 million mobile users, India is the fastest growing mobile market in the world. Moreover six million new mobile users are getting added every month. This increasing numbers has attracted a new advertising medium in India. This is called sms marketing.

In sms marketing the user has to register their mobile with advertising companies. These advertising companies will be contacted by advertisers. Advertisers target their sms sending option based upon locality, sex, age, user interest and many other parameters. Once the advertiser buys sms credit, a campaign is run. All the targeted users receive sms for which he is paid. A portion of this commission is held by the sms marketing company for the whole process involved.

This scheme benefits both the user and the advertiser. The user earns money on receiving sms and gets useful information reflecting their interests. Advertisers can reach targeted audience who may be converted as customer.

As far as the user is concerned earning from sms is useful, fun and creative. Many sms paying companies give credit for spreading this information. They pay a portion of commission for sms received by their friends. By this way the core business will spread and make more users in future. These companies also give special offers, discounts and coupons on purchase of specific products.

While get paid to read sms concept is still a baby in India, many Indian newspapers have said that this advertising medium has a strong base and will become a big boom in future.

SJD Infotech has listed sms paying companies based upon their importance at
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Blogging Tips - Get Traffic To Your Blog Quickly

Getting traffic to your blog may sound like a challenge. The fastest way to get traffic to your blog is none other than paying for it. What I mean is buying ads in a few different forms.

The most obvious way to buy advertising on the internet is none other than pay per click search engines. The 3 best ones are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing & MSN AdCenter. This is not the easiest way to buy traffic as you need to familiarize yourself with the keywords, the ads and the bidding system. Do your due diligence if you want to test it out.

How about paying a popular blogger to write a review about your blog? Some of these popular bloggers have a strong following of regular readers, if your blog truly has good content, some of the readers will end up as your regular readers. Who knows, you might end up more popular than him or her.

Heard of text link ads? It is quite popular in the blogosphere. You can also buy ads and get links to your blog. This is inexpensive but you might not get a lot clicks, so be careful with it.

What about doing a press release? You can write a press release & submit to PRWeb, it would cost you under $100. If you can write a good story, not only will other bloggers will link back to you, offline journalists might even approach you. Writing a press release is also a great way to get incoming links from an authority site, in this case, PRWeb, to your blog. This will help you with your search engine optimization.

Samuel has always been making money from wordpress blogs using his unique Automatic Blogging Income System He wrote Strategic Blogging Manifesto and it is available to you at zero cost. On top of that, he is always giving away unique yet practical tips on topics such as blogging, affiliate marketing and ppc on his blog - The Ultimate Publishing Blog
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Senin, 09 Juni 2008

Are Website Forums Profitable? by Guido Nussbaum

There are so many different ways that you can pull traffic into your website. Some people spend a lot of their time doing search engine optimization, trying to rank well in the search engines for specific keyword phrases. Other individuals use such things as Web 2.0 marketing or article marketing in order to achieve a steady stream of visitors. If you really want to crank up your visitor numbers, however, you can add a Forum to your website. These particular scripts are a fantastic way to get people talking about whatever your website is about. It will pull in targeted traffic from search engines and from anywhere else that feeds these various forums.

Setting up a forum is relatively easy if you are at least a little bit handy in managing your server. In fact, if you have Cpanel, you can set up a free Forum automatically. That is fine as long as you don't mind keeping it clean from all of the spam that will end up on it. It is a much better idea if you spend a little bit of money and buy one of the higher end Forum scripts and install it on your website. There are several of these scripts that are available, some of which are more popular than others. Look for one that has all of the features that you need and offers good support.

Once you have the forum setup on your webpage, it's time to get people talking. This can be a little bit difficult as nobody really wants to be the first person to actually begin talking in one of these areas. You can get the ball rolling, however, in a number of different ways. One way that you can do so is by making up a few fictitious names and to begin holding conversations with yourself using these names. Try to make it fun and people will jump in on the conversation. Before long, your forum will have a life of its own. There are also some services which will take care of this for you. Try to make sure that you use a service that will post actual content, not just fly by postings.

One of the most difficult parts about owning a forum, however, is that they tend to be very unprofitable. In fact, many individuals that run a forum only do so because they really love what they are doing, not in order to make a profit. That doesn't mean, however, that you can't really pull some money out of your forum if you use a little bit of effort. You need to go beyond simply adding some Adsense ads into the forum software if you really want to make a profit. Use every means that you possibly can to direct these people to affiliate programs and other offers that are directly related to what you are talking about. If you're able to do this effectively, the profits will follow naturally.

The 4 Keys to Referral Success

In contrast to previous article titled "Why Do Referral Efforts Fail", how can we turn these shortfalls around? How can we put ALL the pieces together to generate an ongoing stream of referrals? Here are the 4 keys to referral success...

You need to have around 12 "core" centers of influence and about 100 potential centers of influence. The core COI's are the ones you'll take to lunch regularly. The others are people you are working to develop a relationship with. Two good ways to increase your core centers of influence are to attend networking events and to ask your current core COI's for suggestions.

This key to referral success focuses on the need to have REGULAR contact with your COI's. This may be in the form of lunches, cards, emails, voicemails, or letters. It is ONLY by regular contact that you will create a stream of referrals. (Feel free to contact me about automated solutions.)

Stop using a "vanilla" message. Work on developing a message that sets you apart from everyone else out there and gives people a reason to remember you. By the way, an excellent way to set yourself apart is to develop a niche.

This is the key that almost everyone misses. In order to create a reliable stream of referrals, you need to make "deposits" into the relationship (emotional) bank account of each of your referral sources. You need to take the time to get to know them, find ways to add to the relationship, and create an impression with each of your sources. Although this takes some work up front, once the foundation is set, it's easy to sustain.

In summary, the four keys to referral success are to work with 12 or more centers of influence, implement a systematic way to stay in touch, differentiate yourself from everyone else, and build a connection with each center of influence. If you take the time to get each step right, you will become one of the few professionals who grow their business strictly by referrals.

Written by Michael Beck, Executive Coach and Trainer. He can be reached at 866-385-8751 or Get your free program on "Power Recruiting & Prospecting" at:
Permission to reprint with full attribution. © 2008 Exceptional Leadership, Inc.
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CRM For Small Business - Close More Sales!

CRM merely stands for "Customer Relationship Management." With CRM in place, you have an integrated system of managing data, making your scheduling, planning, pre-sale activities, and post-sale activities flow more fluidly and with more wholeness. And you have less of the fragmentation of activities that can gum up the works for small businesses, where the people are already wearing more than one hat. Call center, inside and outside sales, field support, and marketing campaigns are also covered by one CRM umbrella.

The intention of CRM is straightforward: improve long-term growth and profitability of your business.

There is much PC and laptop office technologies designed for CRM implementation and it gives a lovely set of sales and data management tools that help to make your sales and marketing efforts...well, more fun. Efficiency, accuracy, "smarter not harder", and bottom line results are what "fun" is for the small business owner, and these qualities come with a CRM implementation.

CRM software also helps you to fully automate your database management. Less time with database management translates into more time selling, marketing, and doing R&D (research and development) for your business. And there's less paper!

However, it needs to be stressed that CRM is at the end of the day all about the relationships between people--that is, the relationships you or your sales force have with prospects and clients. The core of business is still the same and ever shall be. There were businesses and relationships before there were computers. So, there was CRM before there was CRM software. It's not a magic bullet for bigger profits.

Having said that, there are great options being offered out there at reasonable prices, ease of use and extremely flexible features for any business environment, so it's a bit tricky to pick one solution over the other. It is best to figure out what your unique business wants are, how much you can spend, what software you already use and then start to research the options being offered. However, there is always one option that stands out in the crowd and that is the ACT! program.

ACT CRM software is not the only CRM software on the market by far, but it has a high reputation for being easy to learn and easy to use with only a small bit of practice. Much of it gets easily mastered in just a day.

ACT is a one-stop repository for every shred of information and data about your prospects, clients, and what you may have done, not done, want to do, and should do with respect to them all. The database management program includes exquisitely detailed contact information, to-do stuff, scheduled activities, copies of documents sent, e-mails sent and received, records of personal or telephone conversations, and reports.

Every buying motion activities and sales opportunities can be thoroughly tracked from first to last, and it lets you customize a sales process that fits in perfectly with your small business.

If you aren't using CRM already in your small business, you need to ask yourself why not?
If you're not already getting 100% out of your business--and most business owners aren't, truth be told--then CRM programs and software are definitely something you need to be checking out. This valuable strategic tool may be just what you need to take your business to another level.

If you liked this article on crm advantages and want to discover quick and easy ways to dramatically reduce your costs of doing business you can grab my Free Report on small business advice You'll have to hurry this offer is for a limited time only.
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Your Way To Profit by amandeep sandhu

Blogging is quite a popular thing. Some individuals do it on their website as a journal. Others use their blogs to promote products or to update individuals on what is new and incoming. That is the case of Michael, an up and coming web designer who is in the market of selling sports related equipment.This is what he did to make his blog, well, a money generator for him. Michael is good at website design but he didn't really know much about blogging. He soon found out it was much more than just the everyday diary that individuals liked to label it. He spent much of his time learning about the right programs to use for it and then determined to make something out of this new found tool, decided to incorporate it into his website design. He had heard from friends that this was a good way to make additional income on his website. Since the site was only doing okay, he thought that it couldn't hurt. The first thing that he did was tap into Google Adsense. He already knew how it worked and he knew it was a money maker. He linked his blog into it (Google Adsense would then deliver ads to his blog that were specific to the blog's content). When individuals who were reading his blog decided to click on one of the ads, well, he would make a little bit of profit off of it. Now, in order for this product to work, he knew he needed to keep the blog updated. To keep it updated, he made sure to log information there daily. It took him minutes to get online, type out what he did that day and most of the time talk about what his favorite fishing pole was and how great it was to have it. Blogs And Money Michael's story continues with his addition to other features that would help improve the amount of visitors that his website was to get. But, before we move on, let's catch up. First of all, a blog is an online diary of sorts.

There are a couple of rules to having these on your website to make money from them. Individuals should do these things first:
1. Determine a niche for the blog and website.
2. Up date your blog daily as Michael does.
3. Get a good amount of back links which is not hard when you use directory submission for them.
4. Use an easy to use and good quality application to host your blog. Michael took the time to research the best options available.
5. Lastly, to get the most out of it, use good articles and even images on the blog. Blogs can make you money when you use other programs as well. The most profitable way to use them is to advertise your website. They can become traffic generators to the website if you allow them to.

By simply investing in programs such as Adsense from Google, individuals can make a steady stream of income from their blog. Affiliate Programs Many individuals make money using blogs by linking them up with affiliate programs. You'll find additional information about affiliate programs in another article, but basically it is a method of advertising someone else's products or website and making a profit off of it. Develop a website based on the affiliate programs that you belong to, use a blog on that website to generate traffic to the website, and you'll make money off of the affiliate programs easily. Blogs are becoming a very popular form of medium used on the web. This simple diary like program can actually help individuals to create an income for themselves. When teamed up with other programs, they can make a great deal of money. Michael used them to help him promote the affiliate programs that he belonged to and then found other programs to help him to even make more out of his blog. With a little research into the right programs to use for your blog, you too can gain the ability to have blogs making money for you online.

22 Ways For Teens To Make Money by Gen Y

1. Family. Parents may reward their teenagers if they get good grades.

2. Babysitting. Get paid to watch some cute kid sleeping in front of the television.

3. Tell stories to young children.

4. Elderly care. Care for elderly and gain valuable experience and knowledge from them.

5. Pet Care. Help busy couples to take their pet for a walk.

6. House cleaning like mowning lawns, gardening, raking yards.

7. Sell your old toys, comics, school books on E-bay.

8. Start your own information publishing business.

9. Work in a department store and enjoy employee benefits and discounts.

10. Provide car wash service.

11. Start a face-painting business.

12. â€Å“Pooper Scooper” Service

13. Help to tutor children in Maths.

14. Get allowance from parents.

15. Become a lifeguard.

16. Get a job at a summer camp.

17. Help companies to create websites.

18. Create art and crafts and sell them on E-bay.

19. Be a computer guru.

20. Work as a golf caddy.

21. Help to deliver newspaper.

22. Teach piano lessons.

Is Your Business Crisis-proof? Crisis Management Tips for Small Business Owners by Lisa Wells

I remember it perfectly. It was a Wednesday morning. I was on the phone talking to my dad, giving up an update of my son's recovery from surgery and was excited that my son would probably be home that weekend. And then the phone beeped, I had another call waiting on the line. That phone call would rock my world... My son had cancer. I was told that treatment could take as long as six months and to prepare to spend the first four weeks in the hospital. The doctor said to come up right away. Not a couple of hours, right now! Everything, including my business, would just have to wait.

All small business owners will experience a crisis at some point. It can be a major crisis such as a computer breaks down, the backup didn't work, and the files from the last six months are lost. Or maybe it will be minor, like a bout with the flu and work may have to be put on hold for a week. But what about a long-term crisis such as an illness that may affect you, a spouse, a parent, or a child that lasts a few months or longer? Are you and your business prepared?

As you read the following crisis management tips, realize that I did the exact opposite; learn from them so you don't repeat my mistakes! ; )

1. Have a list of resources.
I always thought it would be a great idea to have a list of resources for when I needed to outsource a task, provide coverage for vacation, or referrals for when I was at full capacity. I just never got around to getting this list together! Trying to find resources for my clients at the last minute while in the middle of a crisis was not ideal. So stop procrastinating and get together your list of resources. You will feel better knowing that in your absence, your clients and/or customers are being taken care of.

2. Learn to say No.
Laura Wheeler of Firelight Web Studio, a friend who offered great survival-mode tips as a mother of a child who also has cancer, put it to me this way: "You can't go on like you did before. You have to cut out everything that is not essential. You'll have to learn to tell people "no" and not feel guilty."
This may be hard for some, and trust me, it was hard for me too. But it doesn't help you or your clients to minimize or downplay the situation. Your clients may think you can handle their workload when the reality is that you cannot. Your customers and clients need to know this and the sooner you set expectations the better.

3. Keep it simple.
What I mean by this is try to simplify your business AND your life. Switch to a laptop so that you can take your business mobile should you have to travel or be away from home for a length of time; use an online backup service so that backing up is automatic and off-site; try to do as many daily/weekly/monthly items, such as newsletters, ahead of time.
If you use virtual assistants, make sure to have an updated copy of a procedures manual and password list so that he/she can step in during your absence without experiencing a lag in customer service.

4. Accept change.
You need to realize that your business may never be the same. You will have to adjust to your new situation and this may mean working fewer hours, having fewer clients, or moving to a portable-type of workload.

As Laura rebuilt her business, what she found was that it was so much better and so much more focused than it had been before. Sort of like a big â€Å“do over.”
How you handle your crisis will ultimately affect your business, positively or negatively. You can minimize the stress and make the most of a bad situation by planning for the inevitable, keeping a positive attitude, and knowing that you WILL survive.

Special thanks to Laura Wheeler of Firelight Web Studio ( for her insight and great advice. Laura and her team offer many web design ideas for micro-businesses (one person work-at-home folks) through her website via many free articles and other resources. She is a wonderful person and offers amazing customer service!

Copyright 2008 Lisa Wells,

Make Money Surveys Online Job Opportunities in Profit Lance by Hanny Wills

The success of affiliate marketing has resulted in an unfortunate problem: Profit lance is a system that teaches anyone how to market items online. But with the benefits that residual affiliate marketing can provide it would really be unwise to ignore such programs. Wise choices and effective advertising can make your internet home business more successful than you ever imagined. Just to give an example - many organizations make payments thru PayPal but PayPal does not transmit money to all the countries.

So what we need to do is educate the non-experienced affiliates. The best way we can do this is an affiliate course. This will allow your affiliate to educate themselves. Having an affiliate course also allows you to stay in regular contact with your affiliate after they have signed up for your affiliate programme. You are "in their face" more. Their success is based on two things; a great product and excellent affiliate programs. You can sell Tiger Woods Golf For Ppc easily online just by learning how to from Profit Lance, see The reason why more and more affiliates are joining Clickbank is obvious - the process of gaining commissions in this network is absolutely fair and transparent.

On your website, tell a little about how the affiliate marketing program took you from a paycheck to paycheck existence and you can now afford certain luxuries that were your motivating factor. You wanted to take a vacation, help put your kids through college, buy a new car, or pay off your credit card bills. Think about the issues that originally made you want to get into affiliate marketing, there are a good majority of people that feel the same way and they all have the potential to be part of your affiliate marketing network. He wrote a course called the Affiliate Masters Course which describes how his best affiliates are able to perform way above the industry average, which is why you must learn them from profit lance. See more at Profit Lance Marketing Visitors who click your link to the merchants' site are called "click-throughs" and the percent of click-through visitors that purchase something on the affiliate merchants' site are called your CR your Conversion Rate.

Conclusion:You will benefit from the reputation of the affiliate program owner you work for doing business together and gaining footing in the online business, which is what the profit lance system teaches. Check out Profit Lance You can also purchase special listing for higher affiliate exposure. With the right tools the right actions and perseverance you can definitely make a good profit out of affiliate marketing. Marketing.

The Top Ten Small Business Startup Success Secrets

Achieving small business success is yours for the taking. Turn your passions into small business profits. Small business startups around the world continues to grow exponentially, the success rate has remained fairly consistent. Are you ready to achieve small business success ? So what can you do to ensure lasting success for your small business? Take a look at the top ten small business startup secrets.

1. Market Research. Market research is the first step to starting a business, it is the last step, and it is an ongoing process. Market research tells you not only if you have a viable business idea, it keeps you in touch with your prospects and customers and helps you build your business so that it can continue to grow.

2. Master the Internet. The internet isn't just a place to do business, though your business will definitely profit with an online presence. The internet is a valuable research tool, communication tool, payment tool, marketing tool and so much more. Master the internet and you will find numerous time saving, money saving, business building tools and resources - guaranteed.

3. Seek outside Advice. You can't know everything and don't expect yourself too. You certainly have specialized knowledge and that is your strength. Consult with others about their expert advice to build your business. For example, if you're a software genius chances are your copywriting skills are not top notch. Gather advice and experience from copywriters who are at the top of their field. Seek legal advice from attorneys you trust and learn about customer service from experts. Gathering expert advice, outside of your area of knowledge, will help eliminate any start-up mistakes and set you ahead of your competition.

4. Follow your heart and passion it is vitally important that you enjoy what you do. Why? Because your passion and enthusiasm will not only carry you through the tough times, it'll make it easier for you to be motivated to build a successful business and maybe most importantly your enthusiasm will be recognized and rewarded by your customers.

5. Develop a Marketing Mindset. Marketing is one of the areas where many business owners feel unsure of themselves. This uncertainty can lead to ineffective marketing or a complete absence. When business owners understand that marketing is the fuel that drives their business, and that marketing is merely an organized means of communicating with prospects and customers, then a marketing mindset will come naturally. You love your business and you want it to be successful, how are you going to talk with your prospects and let them know you're there?

6. Make technology your friend. Technology can save hours of your valuable time every single day and when you're running a business, those hours are worth money - lots and lots of money. Technology can help business owners automate purchasing, shipping, communicating with customers, evaluating data, testing marketing, and so much more.

7. Embrace the power of partnerships. Partnerships can enable business owners to leverage the strengths of others, they enable people to create unique and beneficial businesses, and they can save business owners time and money. For example, a nutritionist and a fitness trainer could combine their expertise to open a business that helps people develop a comprehensive and well rounded business. Another example might be a person with tremendous marketing experience partnering with a very technologically minded business owner to offer products or services.

8. Learn the art of delegation. When you own a small business you're the CEO, the CFO, the administrative assistant, the customer service team, the research and development, the sales and marketing, the bookkeeper and everything else. It's impossible to maintain your sanity and run a well oiled and successful business when you're balancing 100 different responsibilities and tasks. Delegating responsibilities is the key to running an efficient and successful business. After all, as the business owner your time is better spent growing the business, not balancing the books.

9. Be flexible and open to ideas. There are opportunities presented to us every single day. Being able to recognize ideas and opportunities is the key to sustainability in business. If you the same product or service ten years from now, chances are your competition will be light-years ahead of you. Innovation and change will keep your business competitive.

10. Create a Financial Plan (cash flow). Cash flow or lack thereof, is the number one reason businesses fail. In short, they fail to plan how they're going to get paid and how they're going to pay their bills. The general rule of thumb is to make sure you invoice as soon as possible and you pay as late as possible. Of course this is a very simple plan and you'll really need to sit down and evaluate your income and expenses to come up with a plan that works on a long term basis for your company.

Keep these ten small business startup secrets in mind when you're starting your business and you're on the right road to being one of the successful few that is around for the long haul.

Robert Moment is an innovative forward thinking small business and marketing coach and author of Invisible Profits: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service. Robert specializes in teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners how to , "Do Business God's Ways for Profitable Results". Visit and sign up for the FREE 5 day e-course , "Small Business Marketing Plan: A Blueprint for Attracting More Clients".
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Tips on Starting a Car Wash Business

A car wash business can be a very good idea for a business. However here are 5 things to consider:
1. Cost
2. Experience
3. Location
4. Franchise or Not?
5. Time Commitment

You can find many car wash businesses for sale throughout the country. You can find one for as little as $50,000 depending on the age & location of the actual business. If you are thinking of starting a car wash franchise then the costs can be much higher. Some franchise models will require a $350,000 investment plus a liquid cash amount of $100,000 in your bank account before they even consider your application. The $100K is for you to cover your expenses for your first 6 months in business (the hardest time for any business).

If you have any experience in this industry would be a definite asset. Too many people get involved in a business that they have absolutely no idea about. If you are seriously considering a car wash business then do your self a favour & get a temporary job at a local car wash. This will give you a general idea of how the business runs & a feel of if this is the right financial vehicle for you. A little experience can save you a few hundred thousand dollars.

It is very important to find a good location in order to be able to survive in any business. This is a supply & demand issue. Find a location that doesn't have another car wash near by that is a high traffic area. The more cars that go by, the busier you will be.

Franchise or Not?
Franchise models are safer to get involved with but at the same time can be very pricey. Franchise models have a system in place that has been proven for years. They will teach you everything that you will need to know with on the job training. You will learn everything from A to Z about the business with them. They will even survey locations & pick the best possible spot for you.

Time Commitment:
Most business owners work at least 60 hours per week. If you have a passion to be your own boss then you will not mind committing your time to your business. However if you are having second thoughts about working more than 45 hours per week, then maybe you should re think your position.

About the Author:
Rory Singh is a Business Development Coach and Professional Marketing Consultant. To learn how to Make More in One Month than Most Make in One Year visit:
Before I got involved in this industry I looked at many franchises. Although some were appealing, they still involved a lot of time trading for income; the main thing that I was looking to avoid.
Our industry has created more Millionaires than any other Career throughout the US & Canada.
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How Do You Make Money Online

We've all heard about the latest craze - it is possible to earn money while at home! This is a good thing for house wives to earn extra. Or even for those people who retired early and are looking for ways to ease their boredom.

Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, real estate flipping, whichever you decide to engage in, starting out can be pretty difficult and you will probably need all the help that you can get. Be thankful you live in this time because with the cyberspace, anything is possible. Whether you need books as reference, or you want to talk to other people about engaging doing online work, you can easily find it with the help of your computer and a reliable internet connection.

I know you're probably asking "what type of work can you do at home?" Don't worry, with the technology we have today, doing home based work no longer need as much capital. Well for one, you can write reviews for several products. If you think that the newest digital camera released in the market needs a little extra, you can write about that and I bet somebody's going to listen. Or you can talk about the next color of lipstick that women so want to have. If you pride yourself with good writing skills, then bank on it and start earning today!

If you are a writer, you can find work by creating your own weblog, more commonly known as a blog, and then market it online. Of course you need to make people notice your page so you'll have to make the design really professional and of course, the content should be interesting so you'll get a lot of visitors. This is just one way on how internet marketing is done; there are many others like our next topic.

Affiliate marketing on the other hand requires that you have your own site and then you'll just have to post banners for some items other sites are selling or promoting. This way, when one of your visitors are interested, they can just click on the banner and if they do decide to buy, you can get a percentage of their expenses. The more people you refer to a seller's website, the more income you can get.

Now real estate flipping requires more skill as this involves investors and transfer of real money on the onset. Some real estate investors buy property, and then sell it immediately, while others still fix it up and sell it at a higher price or they can have it rented by a family. These of course are the most common practices in real estate flipping, there are many others and each one requires skill. People who want to engage in real estate business can attend several seminars and trainings such as that of Enlightened Wealth Institute to improve if not to acquire excellent marketing skills that would surely help you in getting not only buyers but also investors who are willing to shell out funding for your capital.

Tammy Powell ( an Enlightened Wealth Institute Student has been a real estate investor both nationally and internationally for over 8 years. You can read more about her daily experiences as she applies her new-found education at her personal blog

AdSense Secrets - Really Or is it Just a Myth

Are there really AdSense secrets or is it just a myth? Depending on your point of view of the word secret the answer to this question is yes and no. If a secret is information that someone else, and a few other people have, then yes there are AdSense secrets. If your view of the word secret is information known by only a select few within an exclusive group totally shut out from everyone else, then the answer is no, there are no AdSense secrets.

The word secret holds certain mysticism, the reason for a quest, that is why whenever we see and read the word secret our mindset changes and we want to know more. Salespeople know this psychological phenomenon and therefore use it very successfully in sales letters. AdSense is big business for many online marketers and there are many more trying to get into the action. Get their slice of the pie so to say, and it is a big pie. Now if you are one of those on a quest for the truth about AdSense and revealing the secret here is the answer. It is simply information that a few people have gathered through testing and experimentation that have been working for them. It is not closed information and everyone has access to it, the difference is when you have access to the latest trends and information.

The first few have the AdSense secrets, and you could try to get it for yourself, you can be the one having the information first, or you can do what you are good at and buy the information from those who are good at finding the AdSense secrets. The internet is a dynamic ever changing field of business, and unless you are comfortable with the clear knowledge that you will not know what will be changing tomorrow this is not the place to be. Many business models are based on the knowledge of what are changing variables and which ones are not. The less the variables the better chance of success for the business once it is established, and it will remain that way for a long time and changes can be monitored and implemented over a longer period of time. The internet is a much more diverse and dynamic business that can change overnight. Just look at what a simple Google dance does to sites and income.

A while back there was a crackdown on squeeze pages and AdWords click costs went through the roof for some and others suddenly found themselves making more money that they expected. The point of all this is that if you are or want to be a internet marketer you need to have a lot of information on your fingertips as quickly as possible to ensure your success. You can try to do all of this yourself, in which case you will end up needing at least forty hours in every twenty four hour day, or you can specialize in one of the multitude of variables, become an expert in that field and be the first to have that secret. Publish your report or ebook with the latest information and others will buy your information.

The information you do not specialize in you buy from other marketers who are specialists in this field. There are really no secrets in internet marketing, and everyone has access to all information, it is about what you decide to specialize in, and others are specialists in, and having all this information at your fingertips that will insure your success as all round successful internet marketer. As for AdSense secrets, yes there are new secrets, or should we just call it newly updated information that will increase your click through rate and your AdSense income. The trick is just finding it in time to make the information work for you.

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How to Start a Craft Business

Your home base craft business can be easily operated from home. Most of your tools and components are generally small so that they are easy to store in a cupboard and can easily be transported around from room to room. Materials are generally non hazardous so storing them in your home will not be a great problem. To run your business you just need a room in your home or even just a part of a room to get started. To go from hobbyist to professional will require a little adjustment in the beginning as you would have your workspace already setup and have been manufacturing already but on a smaller scale. As you increase your production you will also need to think out increasing your storage space. You will need to consider where to set up your office so that you can take care of the running of the business. Try not to have your office and work room in the same room. The tasks are different and will require their own attention.

You're Confidence Level
An important part of building your business is your confidence, you need to have confidence in what you create. Believe that you can not only create the beautiful things that you do but also be able to sell them. You need to begin to change your mindset from being a person that creates a homemade product to a person that creates meticulous handcrafted products.

Handmade Products Are Sought-after
Handmade products provide customers with a quality item that is not mass produced; they are unique and can be personalized to suite an individual. Handcrafted products are normally sold at a premium as people are generally willing to pay for that unique and special item.

Do Your Research
What research do you have to do before you start your business? Here are some things you will need to look into to get an idea of how to set you your own craft business
- Make a list of the types of shops and galleries you would like to see your products sold in. Look at the type of customers that are in the shop and build yourself a customer profile.
- Attend your local markets, arts and craft shows and basically any events that would have a craft booth display set up. Take notes along the way for ideas. Talk to the exhibitors when they are not busy and tell them what you want to do, ask them about their experience both good and bad. They are the experts and generally will be willing to share their knowledge with you.
- Don't forget to take plenty of notes along the way so that you can review them later. Ideas will spring from your notes so write those down immediately as well. These notes will be the foundation of your business to come.

Find more articles on how to set up a craft business as well as some beautiful handmade products from talented artists at
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A Method to Grow Your Business

Since November, my mentor has been working with me to identify ways to expand and enhance my business. I have worked in my business long enough to develop routines and have outlined the way I operate with clients in my procedures. Now that my business processes are subconscious habits, my mentor and I worked in a new area for me to expand. In this article I will share some ideas on business expansion using your thoughts, emotions and actions.
Once projects are completed to a polished finish from a subconscious routine it is time to consider expansion. Another indication is when unexpected incidents fail to interrupt progress. In this expansion work, my mentor asked me to think about what type of work I loved doing. I examined my actual work, the conversations I enjoyed, and the people liked being around. These considerations led to my decision (a precise thought) to work with people that are participating in lifting human consciousness. My goal for work changed to helping to broadcast intelligence that expands human awareness to as many people as possible.

After the thought was clearly formed, my mentor gave me the next assignment. Choose an industry that contributes to lifting awareness and dialogue with them to see what their work is and what would help them. These actions led me to meet a wide range of interesting people. In these activities (actions) I worked on the third part of this development process, which was choosing people I naturally enjoyed (emotions). Although all of these people were involved in lifting awareness, our human configurations were different. I connected with some people instantly while other conversations were absent chemistry (emotions). Like Quiznos and Subway, these professionals shared the same general goal but their methods generated a different response from me.

After six months of personal work, I and my business have matured to another point. My business contributes to human evolution by promoting the messages of those that teach personal awareness and emotional intelligence. Now each packet I send is refreshing, each letter or response I send on behalf of a client is like the first one ever sent because my work is more than the finished product it is my contribution to humanity. Some of my work is the same and some has changed but all of it is more fun and interesting to me because my work is about participating in human growth and understanding. Each day is new.

My Bottom Line
Once your business is successfully operational it is a good time to grow to the next level. Use your thoughts to specifically choose what you really enjoy doing and explore ways to do more of it daily. Employ your actions and emotions to customize this enjoyable work by getting involved in some way (i.e. when I talked with people that taught personal awareness). This process will take your business to the next level of growth from the inside out. Today I encourage you to join a professional organization in your industry. If you can join their mentoring program or get a mentor in your industry through another source. This has been one of the best experiences for me and I hold you in thought to have the same or better experience to grow your business (your life legacy).

Electra Ford 993-6734
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Business Advice For You

The most common cause of a failing business is financial problems, keeping a healthy financial
status will help keep your company from going under.

Ensure that you perform regular cashflow forecasts to help predict future income and expenditure, cashflow forecasts are an incremental tool for planning for the future and ensuring your business can react quickly to any change in the financial situation. When putting together a financial forecast it is wise to be realistic do not over estimate your possible income, keep abreast of what is happening in the market and apply your expert knowledge when estimating.

Along with a cashflow forecast ensure you have an overall business plan, follow it as closely as possible and regularly update it, setting achievable business objectives and long term goals. If you are compiling a business plan for the first time research the industry and market, and plan at least six months in advance, if you are to present this plan to a bank for a loan it must be as accurate and concise as possible. Once you have developed a relationship with the bank, maintain it and take advantage of the business advisor's available.

Aside from financial stability, your own personal management skills are important. Any businessman or entrepreneur must have good leadership skills. From the word go you will be speaking to a variety of stakeholders, good communication is vital to maintain healthy relationships between you and your stakeholders. As the business begins to develop and you acquire staff the onus will be upon your leadership skills; if you are unconfident in your ability to manage a group of employees then do not be ashamed to go a people management course.

Just remember that there is no set way in which a leader should act; your personality is what created and shaped your business therefore it should be reflected in the way you interact and supervise with others. A key function of leadership is not only to direct but to provide vision and aspiration to your employees; ensure that when you hire you have an idea of the culture you want to create and define a work ethic from the start for employees to take guidance from.

Good leadership is also a key factor in motivating your troops, creating a welcoming environment where they feel part of a team and valued for their work will increase staff retention and work productivity. Training can be very motivating for staff, and developing staff skills will be of benefit as your business continues to grow.

For professional business advice contact IBD-UK
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